BINDER custom 100 ATS15 DL BFX Power belts

High power BRECOFLEX® belt

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BINDER custom 100 ATS15 DL BFX

High power BRECOFLEX® belt

Power belts
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Tangential force transmissible by the teeth
Product range power belts
High power BRECOFLEX® belt
High performance application
Profile / Pitch
15,00 ATS
PU Material steel tension member
White TPU ST5
Shore hardness steel tension member belt
92 ShA
Temperature range of steel tension member belt
0 à 80 °C
PU Material stainless steel tension member
TPU AU1 translucent
Shore hardness stainless steel tension member belt
92 ShA
Temperature range of stainless steel tension member belt
0 à 80 °C
P max
≤ 160 kW
Steel tension member permissible force FN
26445 N
Stainless steel member permissible force FN
21070 N
N max
8000 tr/min
V max
48 m/s
Minimum length
≥1500 mm
Standard belt lengths
1500, 1800, 3000, 3750, 4500, 6000, 6300, 7500, 1590, 1710, 1905, 1995, 2250, 2505, 2790, 3285, 3495, 4005, 4245, 4740, 4995, 5295, 5595, 6705, 7095, 5790 mm
Belt width
100 mm
1,178 kg/m
Number of teeth
100, 120, 150, 200, 250, 300, 400, 500, 127, 133, 167, 144, 106, 186, 219, 233, 267, 283, 316, 333, 353, 373, 384, 420, 447, 473
Z min single bending standard cable
Ø min Flexion simple câble standard
250 mm
Z min alternating bending standard cable
Ø min alternée simple câble standard
250 mm
Z min single bending stainless steel cable
Ø min Flexion simple câble Inox
300 mm
Z min alternating bending stainless steel cable
Ø min alternée simple câble Inox
300 mm