Magnetic cores made of AINiCo, obtained by molding using the lost wax process, are orientated and magnetized in the axial direction. By orienting the crystals axially during manufacture, the magnetic values are significantly improved. Magnetization can only be performed in the pre-established preferred direction. AINiCo is a hard material that can only be machined by grinding. Both front surfaces of our round bars are ground. The optimal ratio of diameter to length (L / D) is> 4/1. Shorter magnets are not very stable in open magnetic circuit. Most of the magnetic cores we offer are optimally sized. Magnets in AINiCo have a high remanence, but a weak coercive field. As a result, the magnetic material AINiCo is able to receive a high magnetic field which however is only weakly anchored
Magnet material
AlNiCo 500
Material composition
AlNiCo 500
Energy product (B x H)
36 kJ/m³
Remanence Br
1150 mT
Champ coercitif BHC (T=20°C)
48 kA/m
Champ coercitif JHC (T=20°C)
50 kA/m
Max. temperature of use
450 °C
Curie point
860 °C
External diameter D
8 mm
Dimension L
32 mm
Product range
Magnetic cores
Additional information
The following standard magnets are available quickly. For series, we are able to supply round magnetic bars in different sizes and in a range of diameters from 3 to 20 mm.