The Neo-Alpha magnet is not sintered like other magnets. The magnetic powder mixed with the synthetic binder is indeed pressed hot into molds. The tolerances obtained are ± 0.1 mm. Standard compression-molded magnets can be machined in the demagnetized state, according to customer specifications, by removal of material. For large quantities, we are able to produce Neo-Alpha magnets with tight tolerances and a smooth surface condition by means of compression tools adapted to the particular specifications. We are at your disposal to define the corresponding tools. Magnets are isotropic, i.e., they have no preferential orientation and can therefore be magnetized in all directions. It is also possible to perform a multipolar magnetization with specific magnetization orientations. Magnets can
Magnet material
Neodymium-Iron-Boron with synthetic binder
Material composition
Energy product (B x H)
80 kJ/m³
Remanence Br
680 mT
Champ coercitif BHC (T=20°C)
460 kA/m
Champ coercitif JHC (T=20°C)
820 kA/m
Max. temperature of use
150 °C
Curie point
340 °C
External diameter D
12,5 mm
Dimension L
5 mm
Product range
Neo-Alpha magnets
Additional information
All dimensions in mm. General tolerances according to DIN 7168 average.