Succumb to the attractive force of BINDER MAGNETIC modular LCL solenoids!

Succumb to the attractive force of BINDER MAGNETIC modular LCL solenoids!

Sep 04, 2024 News

Finding the right solenoid for applications requiring reliability, robustness and precision isn't always easy. To meet these needs, BINDER MAGNETIC offers a range of LCL (Linear Classic Line) solenoids in five different sizes, with strokes from 5 to 30 mm and forces from 2.5 N to 600 N.

With their modular design, these solenoids cover most of your industrial applications in fields as varied as railways, robotics, special machines, etc. But the strong point of this range is its innovative design based on profiles that optimize magnetic flux and plain bearings that extend service life to 10 million cycles!

Several options are also available:

  • 12 VDC and 205 VDC voltage;

  • Push-pull function;

  • Standard loose-wire or DIN connector;

  • IP 54 with front and rear bellows;

  • And external return spring fixed to the core.

Do you need solenoids urgently? We have all components in stock and ready for assembly at our French factory in Saint-Jean-de-Braye. And for an overview of the range, you can also consult the 3D visualizations available on our website.

Please do not hesitate to contact your local sales representative or call us directly on +33 1 46 13 80 80 or use our online contact form.

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