Greener BINDER MAGNETIC belts since May 2024

Greener BINDER MAGNETIC belts since May 2024

Jun 12, 2024 News

Since last May, BINDER MAGNETIC has been producing its own green electricity! Our production site in Saint-Jean-de-Braye (45) is now equipped with solar panels on the roof. Thanks to this 100 kWh power station, we can power all our production machines and largely meet the site's electricity needs.


BINDER contributes to the common effort to reduce carbon emissions

The surplus electricity we produce is sold to EDF and fed back into the Orléans electricity grid. In this way, BINDER MAGNETIC becomes a producer of green electricity and contributes to the common effort to reduce carbon emissions in France.

In just 1 month, our installation has prevented the emission of more than 500 kg of CO2. That's the equivalent of planting 1 tree!


Your belts are also greener

Our belts and pulleys, made in France, are now greener because they are produced using solar-generated electricity. With our belts and pulleys, the carbon footprint of your processes is reduced!

This innovative plant was built by our partner BAUDIN CHATEAUNEUF. Many thanks to them!


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