Customised industrial actuators
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Customised industrial actuators

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Assembly with in-line motor and trunnion mounting

Actuators with this type of assembly are robust and designed for use in industrial environments. The in-line motor design requires trunnion mounting.

Assembly with screw reducer and rear clevis mounting

Actuators with this assembly are the most economicalreliable and efficient solution in many applications where performance requirements are not the most stringent. The screw gearbox design allows the motor to be mounted perpendicularly, reducing the mounting centre distance.

Assembly with screw reducer and trunnion mounting

Actuators mounted in this way offer a reliable, high-performance solution in a wide range of applications. The screw reducer design allows the motor to be mounted at right angles. This type of mounting greatly reduces the overall dimensions, and is ideal for applications where the actuator with in-line motor cannot be mounted.

Assembly with parallel motor and trunnion mounting

Actuators in this version are designed for applications requiring the most compact possible mounting, where both performance and space are at a premium.